December 2019, Sarah Luong joins Vaishnava lab as the new lab manager.
November 2019, Post-doctoral fellow Dr. Namrata Iyer spreads her wings after spending productive 4 years in Vaishnava Lab. She will be starting as a Marie Curie Fellow at APC Microbiome, Cork University, Ireland. We wish her all the best.
May 2019, Maryam Bonakdar, pathobiology student joins Vaishnava Lab. Welcome, Maryam!
March 2019, Kellyanne is selected for giving a talk titled “Bacterial communities within the intestinal mucus layer exhibit distinct spatial variation in composition and diversity” at the 4th Annual MIT-Harvard Microbiome Symposium, Boston, MA, 2019
February 2019, Mayara welcomes baby girl Sophia into this world.
February 2019, Dr. Geon Goo Han joins the group as a post-doctoral fellow. Welcome, Goo to the group.
December 2018, Mayara's paper is published in Immunity!
September 2018, gives a talk at The Human Microbiome EMBO | EMBL Symposia, Heidelberg, Germany, 2018
June 2018, Kellyanne Duncan abstract is selected for a talk at 7th Conference on Beneficial Microbes, Madison, WI, 2018
June 2018, Lab is awarded R01 to study the role of gut bacteria in regulating vitamin A metabolism.
May 2018, Sarah passes her qualifying exam with flying colors!
May 2018, Namrata's and Mayara's are awarded trainee travel award and present short talks at AAI2018, Austin, Texas.
February 2018, Namrata and Shipra are awarded Seed award from Brown University Medical School to study RA-signaling in the intestinal epithelium.
February 2018, Mayara's preview Autophagy: Suicide Prevention Hotline for the Gut Epithelium is published in Cell Host & Microbe. You can access it here.
lab news
June 2021, Vaishnava Lab hosts a Brown university-wide Blue Poop Challenge to promote gut health.
June 2021, Meera Singh joins Vaishnava lab and Rebecca Yunker joins the lab for her PhD studies.
January 2021, Rebecca Yunker joins Vaishnava lab as a rotation student.
January 2021, Maryam Bonakdar completes an intensive week-long QIIME2 workshop.
October 2020, Masha Glik completes a 3 day R Workshop on Microbiome Data Analysis with Prof. Pat Schloss.
September 2020, Myles Bartholomew joins Vaishnava lab as a rotation student.
May 2020, Congratulations to Maryam Bonakdar who qualifies with flying colors over Zoom!
April 2020, Dr. Namrata Iyer's paper is out in Plos Pathogen. Congratulations Namrata for getting this paper to finish line. You can access the paper here.
March 2020, Kellyanne Duncan defends her Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations to Dr. Dunca. She will be joining Dr. Ramnik Xavier's group at Broad Institute as a post-doctoral fellow. All the best Kellyanne!
February 2020, Mayara Grizotte-Lake defends her Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations to Dr. Grizotte-Lake.
August 2017, Namrata's talk at FASEB Gastrointestinal Tract XVII: Current Biology of the GI Tract, Mucosa, Microbiota, and Beyond Conference wins the short talk award. Congratulations!
June 2017, Vaishnava lab welcomes two new graduate students to the lab: Kevin Holt (Pathobiology) and Sarah Gordon (MCB)
April 2017, Kellyanne (graduate student)is awarded travel scholarship for Host-Microbe Symbioses Summer School in Oeiras, Portugal from July 8 - 30, 2017. Congratulations!
March 2017, Kelly (undergraduate) is awarded UTRA scholarship to pursue summer research in the Vaishnava Lab. Congratulations!
Feb 2017, Shipra is named Kavli Fellow by the National Academy of Sciences. Kavli fellows are selected by the advisory board of the Kavli Foundation, members of the National Academy of Sciences and organizers of the Kavli/National Academy of Sciences Frontiers in Science Symposia series. Shipra presented her work at the 2017 Israeli-US Kavli Frontiers in Science Symposium as a part this honor (link).
June 2016, Lab receives one year URI/RIH Cobre Pilot Project Grant
April 2016, Joshua Hackney receives Senior Biology Prize for Academic Excellence. Congratulations Josh!
Feb 2016, Shipra receives the Salomon Award.
Feb 2016, Namrata's preview Alcohol Lowers Your (Intestinal) Inhibitions is published in Cell Host & Microbe. You can access it here.
Jan 2016, Shipra's preview The Intestinal Mucus Layer Comes of Age is published in Trends in Immunology. You can access it here.
Oct 2015, Vaishnava Lab welcomes post-doctoral fellow Dr. Namrata Iyer to the lab
Aug 2015, Pathobiology graduate students Kellyanne and Mayara join the Vaishnava Lab!